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PHP Script
1,486 lines
* This file contains all the classes used by the PHP code created by WebSite X5
* @category X5engine
* @package X5engine
* @copyright 2013 - Incomedia Srl
* @license Copyright by Incomedia Srl http://incomedia.eu
* @version WebSite X5 HOME 10.0.0
* @link http://websitex5.com
$imSettings = Array();
$l10n = Array();
$phpError = false;
$ImMailer = new ImSendEmail();
@include_once "imemail.inc.php"; // Email class - Static
@include_once "x5settings.php"; // Basic settings - Dynamically created by WebSite X5
@include_once "access.inc.php"; // Private area data - Dynamically created by WebSite X5
@include_once "l10n.php"; // Localizations - Dynamically created by WebSite X5
@include_once "search.inc.php" ; // Search engine data - Dynamically created by WebSite X5
* Captcha handling class
* @access public
class imCaptcha {
* Show the captcha chars
function show($sCode)
global $oNameList;
global $oCharList;
$text = "<!DOCTYPE HTML>
<meta http-equiv=\"content-type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">
<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">
<meta http-equiv=\"cache-control\" content=\"no-cache, must-revalidate\">
<meta http-equiv=\"expires\" content=\"0\">
<meta http-equiv=\"last-modified\" content=\"\">
<body style=\"margin: 0; padding: 0; border-collapse: collapse;\">";
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($sCode); $i++)
$text .= "<img style=\"margin:0; padding:0; border: 0; border-collapse: collapse; width: 24px; height: 24px; position: absolute; top: 0; left: " . (24 * $i) . "px;\" src=\"imcpa_".$oNameList[substr($sCode, $i, 1)].".gif\" width=\"24\" height=\"24\">";
$text .= "</body></html>";
return $text;
* Check the sent data
* @param sCode The correct code (string)
* @param dans The user's answer (string)
function check($sCode, $ans)
global $oCharList;
if ($ans == "")
return '-1';
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($sCode); $i++)
if ($oCharList[substr(strtoupper($sCode), $i, 1)] != substr(strtoupper($ans), $i, 1))
return '-1';
return '0';
* Private area
* @access public
class imPrivateArea
var $session_uname;
var $session_uid;
var $session_page;
var $cookie_name;
// PHP 5
function __contruct()
$this->session_uname = "im_access_uname";
$this->session_real_name = "im_access_real_name";
$this->session_page = "im_access_request_page";
$this->session_uid = "im_access_uid";
$this->cookie_name = "im_access_cookie_uid";
// PHP 4
function imPrivateArea()
$this->session_uname = "im_access_uname";
$this->session_real_name = "im_access_real_name";
$this->session_page = "im_access_request_page";
$this->session_uid = "im_access_uid";
$this->cookie_name = "im_access_cookie_uid";
* Encode the string
* @param string $string The string to encode
* @param $key The encryption key
* @return string The encoded string
function _encode($s, $k)
$r = array();
for($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++)
$r[] = ord($s[$i]) + ord($k[$i % strlen($k)]);
// Try to encode it using base64
if (function_exists("base64_encode") && function_exists("base64_decode"))
return base64_encode(implode('.', $r));
return implode('.', $r);
* Decode the string
* @param string $s The string to decode
* @param string $k The encryption key
* @return string The decoded string
function _decode($s, $k)
// Try to decode it using base64
if (function_exists("base64_encode") && function_exists("base64_decode"))
$s = base64_decode($s);
$s = explode(".", $s);
$r = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($s); $i++)
$r[$i] = chr($s[$i] - ord($k[$i % strlen($k)]));
return implode('', $r);
* Login
* @access public
* @param uname Username (string)
* @param pwd Password (string)
function login($uname, $pwd)
global $imSettings;
// Check if the user exists
if (isset($imSettings['access']['users'][$uname]) && $imSettings['access']['users'][$uname]['password'] == $pwd) {
// Save the session
$_SESSION[$this->session_uid] = $this->_encode($imSettings['access']['users'][$uname]['id'], $imSettings['general']['salt']);
$_SESSION[$this->session_uname] = $this->_encode($uname, $imSettings['general']['salt']);
$_SESSION[$this->session_real_name] = $this->_encode($imSettings['access']['users'][$uname]['name'], $imSettings['general']['salt']);
$_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $imSettings['general']['salt']);
setcookie($this->cookie_name, $this->_encode($imSettings['access']['users'][$uname]['id'], $imSettings['general']['salt']), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "/");
return true;
return false;
* Logout
* @access public
function logout() {
$_SESSION[$this->session_uname] = "";
$_SESSION[$this->session_uid] = "";
$_SESSION[$this->session_page] = "";
setcookie($this->cookie_name, "", time() - 3600, "/");
$_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name] = "";
* Save the referrer page
* @access public
function save_page() {
global $imSettings;
$url = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) && strlen($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']))
$url .= "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$_SESSION[$this->session_page] = $this->_encode($url, $imSettings['general']['salt']);
* Return to the referrer page
* @access public
function saved_page() {
global $imSettings;
if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_page]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_page] != "")
return $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_page], $imSettings['general']['salt']);
return false;
* Get an array of data about the logged user
* @access public
function who_is_logged() {
global $imSettings;
if (isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname]) && $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] != "" && isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname]))
return array(
"username" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uname], $imSettings['general']['salt']),
"uid" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $imSettings['general']['salt']),
"realname" => $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_real_name], $imSettings['general']['salt'])
return false;
* Check if the logged user can access to a page
* @access public
* @param page The page id (string)
function checkAccess($page) {
global $imSettings;
// The session can live only in the same browser
if (!isset($_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) || $_SESSION['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] != md5($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . $imSettings['general']['salt']))
return -1;
if (!isset($_SESSION[$this->session_uname]) || !isset($_COOKIE[$this->cookie_name]) || $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] == null || $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] == '' || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] == null || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] == '')
return -1; // Wrong login data
$uid = $this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uid], $imSettings['general']['salt']);
if (!@in_array($uid, $imSettings['access']['pages'][$page]) && !@in_array($uid, $imSettings['access']['admins']))
return -2; // The user cannot access to this page
return 0;
* Get the user's landing page
* @access public
function getLandingPage() {
global $imSettings;
if ($_SESSION[$this->session_uname] === null || $_SESSION[$this->session_uname] === '' || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] === null || $_SESSION[$this->session_uid] === '')
return false;
return $imSettings['access']['users'][$this->_decode($_SESSION[$this->session_uname], $imSettings['general']['salt'])]['page'];
* Contains the methods used by the search engine
* @access public
class imSearch {
var $scope;
var $page;
var $results_per_page;
function __construct()
$this->results_per_page = 10;
function imSearch()
$this->results_per_page = 10;
* Loads the pages defined in search.inc.php to the search scope
* @access public
function setScope()
global $imSettings;
$scope = $imSettings['search']['general']['defaultScope'];
// Logged users can search in their private pages
$pa = new imPrivateArea();
if ($user = $pa->who_is_logged()) {
foreach ($imSettings['search']['general']['extendedScope'] as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($user['uid'], $imSettings['access']['pages'][$key]))
$scope[] = $value;
$this->scope = $scope;
* Do the pages search
* @access public
* @param queries The search query (array)
function searchPages($queries)
global $imSettings;
$html = "";
$found_content = array();
$found_count = array();
if (is_array($this->scope)) {
foreach ($this->scope as $filename) {
$count = 0;
$weight = 0;
$file_content = @implode("\n", file($filename));
// Remove the page menu
while (stristr($file_content, "<div id=\"imPgMn\"") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<div id=\"imPgMn\"");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</div", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Remove the breadcrumbs
while (stristr($file_content, "<div id=\"imBreadcrumb\"") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<div id=\"imBreadcrumb\"");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</div", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Remove CSS
while (stristr($file_content, "<style") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<style");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</style", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Remove JS
while (stristr($file_content, "<script") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<script");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</script", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
$file_title = "";
// Get the title of the page
preg_match('/\<title\>([^\<]*)\<\/title\>/', $file_content, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1)
$file_title = $matches[1];
else {
preg_match('/\<h2\>([^\<]*)\<\/h2\>/', $file_content, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1)
$file_title = $matches[1];
if ($file_title != "") {
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$title = imstrtolower($file_title);
while (($title = stristr($title, $query)) !== false) {
$weight += 5;
$title = substr($title, strlen($query));
// Get the keywords
preg_match('/\<meta name\=\"keywords\" content\=\"([^\"]*)\" \/>/', $file_content, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
$keywords = $matches[1];
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$tkeywords = imstrtolower($keywords);
while (($tkeywords = stristr($tkeywords, $query)) !== false) {
$weight += 4;
$tkeywords = substr($tkeywords, strlen($query));
// Get the description
preg_match('/\<meta name\=\"description\" content\=\"([^\"]*)\" \/>/', $file_content, $matches);
if (count($matches) > 1) {
$keywords = $matches[1];
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$tkeywords = imstrtolower($keywords);
while (($tkeywords = stristr($tkeywords, $query)) !== false) {
$weight += 3;
$tkeywords = substr($tkeywords, strlen($query));
// Remove the page title from the result
while (stristr($file_content, "<h2") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<h2");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</h2", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
$page_pos = strpos($file_content, "<div id=\"imContent\">") + strlen("<div id=\"imContent\">");
$page_end = strpos($file_content, "<div id=\"imBtMn\">");
if ($page_end == false)
$page_end = strpos($file_content, "</body>");
$file_content = strip_tags(substr($file_content, $page_pos, $page_end-$page_pos));
$t_file_content = imstrtolower($file_content);
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$file = $t_file_content;
while (($file = stristr($file, $query)) !== false) {
$file = substr($file, strlen($query));
if ($count > 0) {
$found_count[$filename] = $count;
$found_weight[$filename] = $weight;
$found_content[$filename] = $file_content;
if ($file_title == "")
$found_title[$filename] = $filename;
$found_title[$filename] = $file_title;
if (count($found_count)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($found_weight as $name => $weight) {
$count = $found_count[$name];
if (($i > $this->page*$this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page+1)*$this->results_per_page)) {
$title = strip_tags($found_title[$name]);
$file = $found_content[$name];
$file = strip_tags($file);
$ap = 0;
$filelen = strlen($file);
$text = "";
for ($j=0; $j<($count > 6 ? 6 : $count); $j++) {
$minpos = $filelen;
foreach ($queries as $query) {
if ($ap < $filelen && ($pos = strpos(strtoupper($file), strtoupper($query), $ap)) !== false) {
if ($pos < $minpos) {
$minpos = $pos;
$word = $query;
$prev = explode(" ", substr($file, $ap, $minpos-$ap));
if (count($prev) > ($ap > 0 ? 9 : 8))
$prev = ($ap > 0 ? implode(" ", array_slice($prev, 0, 8)) : "") . " ... " . implode(" ", array_slice($prev, -8));
$prev = implode(" ", $prev);
$text .= $prev . "<strong>" . substr($file, $minpos, strlen($word)) . "</strong>";
$ap = $minpos + strlen($word);
$next = explode(" ", substr($file, $ap));
if (count($next) > 9)
$text .= implode(" ", array_slice($next, 0, 8)) . "...";
$text .= implode(" ", $next);
$text = str_replace("|", "", $text);
$text = str_replace("<br />", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("<br>", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("\n", " ", $text);
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchPageResult\"><h3><a class=\"imCssLink\" href=\"" . $name . "\">" . strip_tags($title, "<b><strong>") . "</a></h3>" . strip_tags($text, "<b><strong>") . "<div class=\"imSearchLink\"><a class=\"imCssLink\" href=\"" . $name . "\">" . $imSettings['general']['url'] . "/" . $name . "</a></div></div>\n";
$html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s+/', create_function('$matches', 'return implode(\' \', $matches);'), $html);
$html .= "<div class=\"imSLabel\"> </div>\n";
return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_content));
function searchBlog($queries)
global $imSettings;
$html = "";
$found_content = array();
$found_count = array();
if (isset($imSettings['blog']) && is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts'])) {
foreach ($imSettings['blog']['posts'] as $key => $value) {
$count = 0;
$weight = 0;
$filename = 'blog/index.php?id=' . $key;
$file_content = $value['body'];
// Rimuovo le briciole dal contenuto
while (stristr($file_content, "<div id=\"imBreadcrumb\"") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<div id=\"imBreadcrumb\"");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</div", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Rimuovo gli stili dal contenuto
while (stristr($file_content, "<style") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<style");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</style", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Rimuovo i JS dal contenuto
while (stristr($file_content, "<script") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<script");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</script", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
$file_title = "";
// Rimuovo il titolo dal risultato
while (stristr($file_content, "<h2") !== false) {
$style_start = imstripos($file_content, "<h2");
$style_end = imstripos($file_content, "</h2", $style_start);
$style = substr($file_content, $style_start, $style_end - $style_start);
$file_content = str_replace($style, "", $file_content);
// Conto il numero di match nel titolo
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', imstrtolower($value['title']), $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 4);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nei tag
foreach ($queries as $query) {
if (in_array($query, $value['tag'])) {
$weight += 4;
$title = "Blog >> " . $value['title'];
// Cerco nel contenuto
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$file = imstrtolower($file_content);
while (($file = stristr($file, $query)) !== false) {
$file = substr($file, strlen($query));
if ($count > 0) {
$found_count[$filename] = $count;
$found_weight[$filename] = $weight;
$found_content[$filename] = $file_content;
$found_breadcrumbs[$filename] = "<div class=\"imBreadcrumb\" style=\"display: block; padding-bottom: 3px;\">" . l10n('blog_published_by') . "<strong> " . $value['author'] . " </strong>" . l10n('blog_in') . " <a href=\"blog/index.php?category=" . $value['category'] . "\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">" . $value['category'] . "</a> · " . $value['timestamp'] . "</div>";
if ($title == "")
$found_title[$filename] = $filename;
$found_title[$filename] = $title;
if (count($found_count)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($found_weight as $name => $weight) {
$count = $found_count[$name];
if (($i > $this->page*$this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page+1)*$this->results_per_page)) {
$title = strip_tags($found_title[$name]);
$file = $found_content[$name];
$file = strip_tags($file);
$ap = 0;
$filelen = strlen($file);
$text = "";
for ($j=0;$j<($count > 6 ? 6 : $count);$j++) {
$minpos = $filelen;
foreach ($queries as $query) {
if ($ap < $filelen && ($pos = strpos(strtoupper($file), strtoupper($query), $ap)) !== false) {
if ($pos < $minpos) {
$minpos = $pos;
$word = $query;
$prev = explode(" ", substr($file, $ap, $minpos-$ap));
if(count($prev) > ($ap > 0 ? 9 : 8))
$prev = ($ap > 0 ? implode(" ", array_slice($prev, 0, 8)) : "") . " ... " . implode(" ", array_slice($prev, -8));
$prev = implode(" ", $prev);
$text .= $prev . "<strong>" . substr($file, $minpos, strlen($word)) . "</strong> ";
$ap = $minpos + strlen($word);
$next = explode(" ", substr($file, $ap));
if(count($next) > 9)
$text .= implode(" ", array_slice($next, 0, 8)) . "...";
$text .= implode(" ", $next);
$text = str_replace("|", "", $text);
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchBlogResult\"><h3><a class=\"imCssLink\" href=\"" . $name . "\">" . strip_tags($title, "<b><strong>") . "</a></h3>" . strip_tags($found_breadcrumbs[$name], "<b><strong>") . "\n" . strip_tags($text, "<b><strong>") . "<div class=\"imSearchLink\"><a class=\"imCssLink\" href=\"" . $name . "\">" . $imSettings['general']['url'] . "/" . $name . "</a></div></div>\n";
echo " <div class=\"imSLabel\"> </div>\n";
$html = preg_replace_callback('/\\s+/', create_function('$matches', 'return implode(\' \', $matches);'), $html);
return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_content));
// Di questa funzione manca la paginazione!
function searchProducts($queries)
global $imSettings;
$html = "";
$found_products = array();
$found_count = array();
foreach ($imSettings['search']['products'] as $id => $product) {
$count = 0;
$weight = 0;
$t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($product['name']));
$t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($product['description']));
// Conto il numero di match nel titolo
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_title, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 4);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nella descrizione
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_description, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$count += $t_count;
if ($count > 0) {
$found_products[$id] = $product;
$found_weight[$id] = $weight;
$found_count[$id] = $count;
if (count($found_count)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($found_products as $id => $product) {
if (($i > $this->page*$this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page+1)*$this->results_per_page)) {
$count = $found_count[$id];
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchProductResult\">
<h3 style=\"clear: both;\">" . $product['name'] . "</h3>";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchProductDescription\">";
$html .= $product['image'];
$html .= strip_tags($product['description']) . "</div>";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchProductPrice\">" . $product['price'];
$html .= " <img src=\"cart/images/cart-add.png\" onclick=\"x5engine.cart.ui.addToCart('" . $id . "', 1);\" style=\"cursor: pointer; vertical-align: middle;\" /></div>";
$html .= "</div>";
return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_products));
// Di questa funzione manca la paginazione!
function searchImages($queries)
global $imSettings;
$id = 0;
$html = "";
$found_images = array();
$found_count = array();
foreach ($imSettings['search']['images'] as $image) {
$count = 0;
$weight = 0;
$t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($image['title']));
$t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($image['description']));
// Conto il numero di match nel titolo
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_title, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 4);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nella location
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', imstrtolower($image['location']), $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 2);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nella descrizione
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_description, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$count += $t_count;
if ($count > 0) {
$found_images[$id] = $image;
$found_weight[$id] = $weight;
$found_count[$id] = $count;
if (count($found_count)) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($found_images as $id => $image) {
if (($i > $this->page*$this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page+1)*$this->results_per_page)) {
$count = $found_count[$id];
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchImageResult\">";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchImageResultContent\"><a href=\"" . $image['page'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $image['src'] . "\" /></a></div>";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchImageResultContent\">";
$html .= "<h3>" . $image['title'];
if ($image['location'] != "")
$html .= " (" . $image['location'] . ")";
$html .= "</h3>";
$html .= strip_tags($image['description']);
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</div>";
return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_images));
// Di questa funzione manca la paginazione!
function searchVideos($queries)
global $imSettings;
$id = 0;
$found_count = array();
$found_videos = array();
$html = "";
$month = 7776000;
foreach ($imSettings['search']['videos'] as $video) {
$count = 0;
$weight = 0;
$t_title = strip_tags(imstrtolower($video['title']));
$t_description = strip_tags(imstrtolower($video['description']));
// Conto il numero di match nei tag
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/\\s*' . $query . '\\s*/', imstrtolower($video['tags']), $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 10);
$count += $t_count;
// I video pi├╣ recenti hanno maggiore peso in proporzione
$time = strtotime($video['date']);
$ago = strtotime("-3 months");
if ($time - $ago > 0)
$weight += 5 * max(0, ($time - $ago)/$month);
// Conto il numero di match nel titolo
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_title, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 4);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nella categoria
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', imstrtolower($video['category']), $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$weight += ($t_count * 2);
$count += $t_count;
// Conto il numero di match nella descrizione
foreach ($queries as $query) {
$t_count = preg_match_all('/' . $query . '/', $t_description, $matches);
if ($t_count !== false) {
$count += $t_count;
if ($count > 0) {
$found_videos[$id] = $video;
$found_weight[$id] = $weight;
$found_count[$id] = $count;
if ($found_count) {
foreach ($found_videos as $id => $video) {
if (($i > $this->page*$this->results_per_page) && ($i <= ($this->page+1)*$this->results_per_page)) {
$count = $found_count[$id];
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchVideoResult\">";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchVideoResultContent\"><a href=\"" . $video['page'] . "\"><img src=\"" . $video['src'] . "\" /></a></div>";
$html .= "<div class=\"imSearchVideoResultContent\">";
$html .= "<h3>" . $video['title'];
if (!$video['familyfriendly'])
$html .= " <span style=\"color: red; text-decoration: none;\">[18+]</span>";
$html .= "</h3>";
$html .= strip_tags($video['description']);
if ($video['duration'] > 0) {
if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set'))
$html .= "<span class=\"imSearchVideoDuration\">" . l10n('search_duration') . ": " . date("H:i:s", $video['duration']) . "</span>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</div>";
return array("content" => $html, "count" => count($found_videos));
* Start the site search
* @param array $keys The search keys as string (string)
* @param string $page Page to show (integer)
* @return void
function search($keys, $page = 0)
global $imSettings;
$html = "";
$content = "";
//$html .= "<h2 id=\"imPgTitle\" class=\"searchPageTitle\">" . l10n('search_results') . "</h2>\n";
$html .= "<div class=\"searchPageContainer\">";
$html .= "<div class=\"imPageSearchField\"><form method=\"get\" action=\"imsearch.php\">";
$html .= "<input style=\"width: 200px; font: 8pt Tahoma; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding: 3px; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: middle;\" class=\"search_field\" value=\"" . $keys . "\" type=\"text\" name=\"search\" />";
$html .= "<input style=\"height: 21px; font: 8pt Tahoma; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background-color: rgb(211, 211, 211); margin-left: 6px; padding: 3px 3px; border: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0); vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer;\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . l10n('search_search') . "\">";
$html .= "</form></div>\n";
if ($keys == "" || $keys == null) {
$html .= "<div style=\"margin-top: 15px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\">" . l10n('search_empty') . "</div>\n";
echo $html;
return false;
$search = trim(imstrtolower($keys));
$this->page = $page;
if ($search != "") {
$queries = explode(" ", $search);
$blog = array("count" => 0);
$products = array("count" => 0);
$images = array("count" => 0);
$videos = array("count" => 0);
// Pages
$pages = $this->searchPages($queries);
if ($pages['count'] > 0) {
$content .= "<div id=\"imSearchWebPages\">" . $pages['content'] . "</div>\n";
// Blog
if (isset($imSettings['blog']) && is_array($imSettings['blog']['posts']) && count($imSettings['blog']['posts']) > 0) {
$blog = $this->searchBlog($queries);
if ($blog['count'] > 0) {
$content .= "<div id=\"imSearchBlog\">" . $blog['content'] . "</div>\n";
// Products
if (is_array($imSettings['search']['products']) && count($imSettings['search']['products']) > 0) {
$products = $this->searchProducts($queries);
if ($products['count'] > 0) {
$content .= "<div id=\"imSearchProducts\">" . $products['content'] . "</div>\n";
// Images
if (is_array($imSettings['search']['images']) && count($imSettings['search']['images']) > 0) {
$images = $this->searchImages($queries);
if ($images['count'] > 0) {
$content .= "<div id=\"imSearchImages\">" . $images['content'] . "</div>\n";
// Videos
if (is_array($imSettings['search']['videos']) && count($imSettings['search']['videos']) > 0) {
$videos = $this->searchVideos($queries);
if ($videos['count'] > 0) {
$content .= "<div id=\"imSearchVideos\">" . $videos['content'] . "</div>\n";
$results_count = max($pages['count'], $blog['count'], $products['count'], $images['count'], $videos['count']);
if ($pages['count'] == 0 && $blog['count'] == 0 && $products['count'] == 0 && $images['count'] == 0 && $videos['count'] == 0) {
$html .= "<div style=\"text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\">" . l10n('search_empty') . "</div>\n";
} else {
$sidebar = "<ul>\n";
if ($pages['count'] > 0)
$sidebar .= "\t<li><span class=\"imScMnTxt\"><a href=\"#imSearchWebPages\" onclick=\"return x5engine.imSearch.Show('#imSearchWebPages')\">" . l10n('search_pages') . " (" . $pages['count'] . ")</a></span></li>\n";
if ($blog['count'] > 0)
$sidebar .= "\t<li><span class=\"imScMnTxt\"><a href=\"#imSearchBlog\" onclick=\"return x5engine.imSearch.Show('#imSearchBlog')\">" . l10n('search_blog') . " (" . $blog['count'] . ")</a></span></li>\n";
if ($products['count'] > 0)
$sidebar .= "\t<li><span class=\"imScMnTxt\"><a href=\"#imSearchProducts\" onclick=\"return x5engine.imSearch.Show('#imSearchProducts')\">" . l10n('search_products') . " (" . $products['count'] . ")</a></span></li>\n";
if ($images['count'] > 0)
$sidebar .= "\t<li><span class=\"imScMnTxt\"><a href=\"#imSearchImages\" onclick=\"return x5engine.imSearch.Show('#imSearchImages')\">" . l10n('search_images') . " (" . $images['count'] . ")</a></span></li>\n";
if ($videos['count'] > 0)
$sidebar .= "\t<li><span class=\"imScMnTxt\"><a href=\"#imSearchVideos\" onclick=\"return x5engine.imSearch.Show('#imSearchVideos')\">" . l10n('search_videos') . " (" . $videos['count'] . ")</a></span></li>\n";
$sidebar .= "</ul>\n";
$html .= "<div id=\"imSearchResults\">\n";
if ($imSettings['search']['general']['menu_position'] == "left") {
$html .= "\t<div id=\"imSearchSideBar\" style=\"float: left;\">" . $sidebar . "</div>\n";
$html .= "\t<div id=\"imSearchContent\" style=\"float: right;\">" . $content . "</div>\n";
} else {
$html .= "\t<div id=\"imSearchContent\" style=\"float: left;\">" . $content . "</div>\n";
$html .= "\t<div id=\"imSearchSideBar\" style=\"float: right;\">" . $sidebar . "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>\n";
// Pagination
if ($results_count > $this->results_per_page) {
$html .= "<div style=\"text-align: center; clear: both;\">";
// Back
if ($page > 0) {
$html .= "<a href=\"imsearch.php?search=" . implode("+", $queries) . "&page=" . ($page - 1) . "\"><<</a> ";
// Central pages
$start = max($page - 5, 0);
$end = min($page + 10 - $start, ceil($results_count/$this->results_per_page));
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
if ($i != $this->page)
$html .= "<a href=\"imsearch.php?search=" . implode("+", $queries) . "&page=" . $i . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a> ";
$html .= ($i + 1) . " ";
// Next
if ($results_count > ($page + 1) * $this->results_per_page) {
$html .= "<a href=\"imsearch.php?search=" . implode("+", $queries) . "&page=" . ($page + 1) . "\">>></a>";
$html .= "</div>";
} else
$html .= "<div style=\"margin-top: 15px; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;\">" . l10n('search_empty') . "</div>\n";
$html .= "</div>";
echo $html;
* Contains the methods used to style and send emails
* @access public
class ImSendEmail
var $header;
var $footer;
var $bodyBackground;
var $bodyBackgroundEven;
var $bodyBackgroundOdd;
var $bodyBackgroundBorder;
var $bodySeparatorBorderColor;
var $emailBackground;
var $emailContentStyle;
var $emailType = "html";
function setHTMLHeader($header)
$this->header = $header;
function setHTMLFooter($footer)
$this->footer = $footer;
function setBodyBackground($val)
$this->bodyBackground = $val;
function setBodyBackgroundEven($val)
$this->bodyBackgroundEven = $val;
function setBodyBackgroundOdd($val)
$this->bodyBackgroundOdd = $val;
function setBodyBackgroundBorder($val)
$this->bodyBackgroundBorder = $val;
function setEmailBackground($val)
$this->emailBackground = $val;
function setEmailContentStyle($val)
$this->emailContentStyle = $val;
function setBodySeparatorBorderColor($val)
$this->bodySeparatorBorderColor = $val;
function setEmailType($type) {
$this->emailType = $type;
* Apply the CSS style to the HTML code
* @param string $html The HTML code
* @return string The styled HTML code
function styleHTML($html)
$html = str_replace("[email:contentStyle]", $this->emailContentStyle, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackground]", $this->bodyBackground, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundBorder]", $this->bodyBackgroundBorder, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundOdd]", $this->bodyBackgroundOdd, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:bodyBackgroundEven]", $this->bodyBackgroundEven, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:bodySeparatorBorderColor]", $this->bodySeparatorBorderColor, $html);
$html = str_replace("[email:emailBackground]", $this->emailBackground, $html);
return $html;
* Send an email
* @param string $from Self explanatory
* @param string $to Self explanatory
* @param string $subject Self explanatory
* @param string $text Self explanatory
* @param string $html Self explanatory
* @param array $attachments Self explanatory
* @return boolean
function send($from = "", $to = "", $subject = "", $text = "", $html = "", $attachments = array())
$email = new imEMail($from, $to, $subject, "utf-8");
$email->setHTML($this->header . $this->styleHTML($html) . $this->footer);
foreach ($attachments as $a) {
if (isset($a['name']) && isset($a['content']) && isset($a['mime'])) {
$email->attachFile($a['name'], $a['content'], $a['mime']);
return $email->send();
* Restore some special chars escaped previously in WSX5
* @param string $str The string to be restored
* @return string
function restoreSpecialChars($str)
$str = str_replace("{1}", "'", $str);
$str = str_replace("{2}", "\"", $str);
$str = str_replace("{3}", "\\", $str);
$str = str_replace("{4}", "<", $str);
$str = str_replace("{5}", ">", $str);
return $str;
* Decode the Unicode escaped chars like %u1239
* @param string $str The string to be decoded
* @return string
function decodeUnicodeString($str)
$res = '';
$i = 0;
$max = strlen($str) - 6;
while ($i <= $max) {
$character = $str[$i];
if ($character == '%' && $str[$i + 1] == 'u') {
$value = hexdec(substr($str, $i + 2, 4));
$i += 6;
if ($value < 0x0080) // 1 byte: 0xxxxxxx
$character = chr($value);
else if ($value < 0x0800) // 2 bytes: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
$character = chr((($value & 0x07c0) >> 6) | 0xc0) . chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80);
else // 3 bytes: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
$character = chr((($value & 0xf000) >> 12) | 0xe0) . chr((($value & 0x0fc0) >> 6) | 0x80) . chr(($value & 0x3f) | 0x80);
} else
$res .= $character;
return $res . substr($str, $i);
* Server Test Class
* @access public
class imTest {
* Session check
function session_test()
if (!isset($_SESSION))
return false;
$_SESSION['imAdmin_test'] = "test_message";
return ($_SESSION['imAdmin_test'] == "test_message");
* Writable files check
function writable_folder_test($dir)
if (!file_exists($dir) && $dir != "" && $dir != "./.")
@mkdir($dir, 0777, true);
$fp = @fopen(pathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file")), "w");
if (!$fp)
return false;
if (@fwrite($fp, "test") === false)
return false;
if (!@file_exists(pathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file"))))
return false;
@unlink(pathCombine(array($dir, "imAdmin_test_file")));
return true;
* PHP Version check
function php_version_test()
if (!function_exists("version_compare") || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.0.0') < 0)
return false;
return true;
* MySQL Connection check
function mysql_test($host, $user, $pwd, $name)
$db = new ImDb($host, $user, $pwd, $name);
if (!$db->testConnection())
return false;
return true;
* Do the test
function doTest($expected, $value, $title, $message)
if ($expected == $value)
echo "<div class=\"imTest pass\">" . $title . "<span>PASS</span></div>";
echo "<div class=\"imTest fail\">" . $title . "<span>FAIL</span><p>" . $message . "</p></div>";
* XML Handling class
* @access public
class imXML
var $tree = array();
var $force_to_array = array();
var $error = null;
var $parser;
var $inside = false;
// PHP 5
function __construct($encoding = 'UTF-8')
// PHP 4
function imXML($encoding = 'UTF-8')
function setUp($encoding = 'UTF-8')
$this->parser = xml_parser_create($encoding);
xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); // $this was passed as reference &$this
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, "startEl", "stopEl");
xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, "charData");
xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
function parse_file($file)
$fp = @fopen($file, "r");
if (!$fp)
return false;
while ($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $data, feof($fp))) {
return false;
return $this->tree[0]["content"];
function parse_string($str)
if (!xml_parse($this->parser, $str))
return false;
if (isset($this->tree[0]["content"]))
return $this->tree[0]["content"];
return false;
function startEl($parser, $name, $attrs)
array_unshift($this->tree, array("name" => $name));
$this->inside = false;
function stopEl($parser, $name)
if ($name != $this->tree[0]["name"])
return false;
if (count($this->tree) > 1) {
$elem = array_shift($this->tree);
if (isset($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]])) {
if (is_array($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]]) && isset($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]][0])) {
array_push($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]], $elem["content"]);
} else {
$this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = array($this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]],$elem["content"]);
} else {
if (in_array($elem["name"], $this->force_to_array)) {
$this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = array($elem["content"]);
} else {
if (!isset($elem["content"])) $elem["content"] = "";
$this->tree[0]["content"][$elem["name"]] = $elem["content"];
$this->inside = false;
function charData($parser, $data)
if (!preg_match("/\\S/", $data))
return false;
if ($this->inside) {
$this->tree[0]["content"] .= $data;
} else {
$this->tree[0]["content"] = $data;
$this->inside_data = true;
* Some useful functions
* @category X5engine
* @package X5engine
* @license Copyright by Incomedia http://incomedia.eu
* @link http://websitex5.com
* Prints an error about not active JS
* @param $docType True to use the meta redirect with a complete document. False to use a javascript code.
* @return void
function imPrintJsError($docType = true)
if ($docType) {
$html = "<DOCTYPE><html><head><meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"5;URL=" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\"></head><body>";
$html .= l10n('form_js_error');
$html .= "</body></html>";
} else {
$html = "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"5;URL=" . $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] . "\">";
$html .= l10n('form_js_error');
return $html;
* Check the user's access to $page
* @param string $page The page to check
* @return void
function imCheckAccess($page)
$pa = new imPrivateArea();
$stat = $pa->checkAccess($page);
if ($stat !== 0) {
header("Location: imlogin.php" . ($stat == -2 ? "?err=1" : ""));
* Shuffle an associate array
* @param array $list The array to shuffle
* @return array The shuffled array
function shuffleAssoc($list)
if (!is_array($list))
return $list;
$keys = array_keys($list);
$random = array();
foreach ($keys as $key)
$random[$key] = $list[$key];
return $random;
* Provide a fallback for the PHP5 stripos function
* @param string $haystack Where to search
* @param string $needle What to replace
* @param integer $offset Start searching from here
* @return integer The position of the searched string
function imstripos($haystack, $needle , $offset = 0)
if (function_exists('stripos')) // Is PHP5+
return stripos($haystack, $needle, $offset);
// PHP4 fallback
return strpos(strtolower($haystack), strtolower($needle), $offset);
* Provide a localization helper
* @param string $id The localization key
* @param string $default The default string
* @return string The localization
function l10n($id, $default = "")
global $l10n;
if (!isset($l10n[$id]))
return $default;
return $l10n[$id];
* Combine paths
* @param array $paths
* @return string
function pathCombine($paths = array())
$s = array();
foreach ($paths as $path) {
if (strlen($path))
$s[] = trim($path, "/\\ ");
return implode("/", $s);
* Try to convert a string to lowercase using multibyte encoding
* @param string $str
* @return string
function imstrtolower($str) {
return (function_exists("mb_convert_case") ? mb_convert_case($str, MB_CASE_LOWER, "UTF-8") : strtolower($str));
// End of file